Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bluegrass Conspiracy: Where Are They Now?

I found some info on the characters in The Bluegrass Conspiracy. Some is dated and I did not verify the facts. You can let me know if you have found additional info.

John Bizzack
John Bizzack moved on up to become head of Kentucky's Criminal Justice Training program, donating money heavily to political candidates while noted also, as a country music song writer. His wife of 35 years died on the COMAIR plane crash at the Bluegrass Airport in 2006 where 49 south bound people perished.

He's been quite successful, even though implicated in much of the cover up documented in Ms. Denton's book. His family was connected through business to Leonard Lawson who just stood trial for a bid-rigging scandal in the Transportation Department, State of Kentucky.

Both Ralph Ross and Leonard Lawson used the same law firm. While Ross lost his wiretapping case, Lawson won with much protection from the judge (Forester) who gave directions to the press that Lawson would be sure to have a "fair trial." Forester also stated at the trial's onset that the whistle blower (Rummage) who had implicated Lawson was already discredited.

It goes on and on. and locally fearful folks say, "The same ones running the BGC then, are still running it. even today."

John Bizzack--

He retires from the Lexington Police Department after 25 years, and becomes "Dr. Bizzack" in 1993 having obtained a "PhD in Administration/Management " from Walden University in Minneapolis, known for its correspondence degrees. In 1996 Kentucky Governor Paul Patton appoints him State Commissioner of Criminal Justice Training. By the turn of the century Bizzack boasts authorship of some six books dealing with "leadership" in criminal justice affairs, including one listed with as Police Management for the 1990s: A Practitioner's Road Map, and reportedly lectures widely on professional standards for police officers. He owns Bittersweet Station, a imposing cattle farm on Winchester Road, is known as an enthusiast for British luxury sports cars, and not least is celebrated as a composer of country-and-western music, winning the Hank Cochran Song Writing Contest for his "Courage to Say Goodbye".

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